Advice Blog

The Importance of Practicing Ambient and Experimental Music
In the vast realm of music creation, there lies an…

Lessons Learnt After Years Of Making Music
I had multiple discussions with clients, friends or other musicians…

Tools To Understand Your References
We've all been there—struggling to compose that perfect…

Max For Live Gems For Ableton
(Updated June 23rd 2023)
I’ve been wanting to cover some…

The Power of Validation: How Early Influences Shape a Musician’s Career
Validation plays a pivotal role in shaping an individual's…

The Benefits Of In Person Sessions For Music Production
As technology advances, it has become easier for musicians to…

How AI is Helping Musicians Break Free From Unoriginality
When it comes to creating music, there is a never-ending…

Slowing Production to Better Learn
In recent years, mental health has become less of a taboo topic…

Getting Started in VCV
Modular synthesis has been around for decades, but with the rise…

Minimalism in Music Production: Drawing Inspiration from Arthur Russell, Brian Eno, and Terry Riley
Minimalism is an approach that emphasizes simplicity…

How To Mix A Track As You Arrange
One question I get a lot when I teach production is, “Should…

Chasing success is a failed model
There’s something quite misleading about seeing artists we…

How I Classify My Projects and Files
I’m not sure if you’re like me, but it’s possible that…

Generating Ideas and the Listener’s Attention Span
(photo credit Photo by Avi Richards on Unsplash)

What Makes A Difference Before Mastering
I often explain to clients, almost daily, that a good master…

How To Compose With Consistency
I’ve always been interested in the restaurant industry and…

Common Beliefs and Misconceptions about Music Production
Perhaps you’ve been making music for a little while or you’re…

Definition Of Done In Music Production
This seems like a common scenario which involves one’s doubt…

Are Albums Still Relevant?
Are albums still relevant? Ok, that’s kind of a loaded question,…

Thoughts On “Average” Ideas
What stops a lot of people from making music is chasing the perfect…

The Importance of Practicing Ambient and Experimental Music
In the vast realm of music creation, there lies an…

Lessons Learnt After Years Of Making Music
I had multiple discussions with clients, friends or other musicians…

Tools To Understand Your References
We've all been there—struggling to compose that perfect…

Max For Live Gems For Ableton
(Updated June 23rd 2023)
I’ve been wanting to cover some…

The Power of Validation: How Early Influences Shape a Musician’s Career
Validation plays a pivotal role in shaping an individual's…

The Benefits Of In Person Sessions For Music Production
As technology advances, it has become easier for musicians to…

How AI is Helping Musicians Break Free From Unoriginality
When it comes to creating music, there is a never-ending…

Slowing Production to Better Learn
In recent years, mental health has become less of a taboo topic…

Getting Started in VCV
Modular synthesis has been around for decades, but with the rise…

Minimalism in Music Production: Drawing Inspiration from Arthur Russell, Brian Eno, and Terry Riley
Minimalism is an approach that emphasizes simplicity…

How To Mix A Track As You Arrange
One question I get a lot when I teach production is, “Should…

Chasing success is a failed model
There’s something quite misleading about seeing artists we…

How I Classify My Projects and Files
I’m not sure if you’re like me, but it’s possible that…

Generating Ideas and the Listener’s Attention Span
(photo credit Photo by Avi Richards on Unsplash)

What Makes A Difference Before Mastering
I often explain to clients, almost daily, that a good master…

How To Compose With Consistency
I’ve always been interested in the restaurant industry and…

Common Beliefs and Misconceptions about Music Production
Perhaps you’ve been making music for a little while or you’re…

Definition Of Done In Music Production
This seems like a common scenario which involves one’s doubt…

Are Albums Still Relevant?
Are albums still relevant? Ok, that’s kind of a loaded question,…

Thoughts On “Average” Ideas
What stops a lot of people from making music is chasing the perfect…