Advice Blog

The Anti-Loop Method vs The Writer’s Block
Maybe you came here with the idea that I'd be discussing techniques…

Music Curation And Tastes
I was working with a client, and after I went through the basics…

Music Discussion: Iridescent by Pugilist & Pod
This post marks the beginning of a new type of blog article.…

My Favorite Sampling Techniques
It's quite ironic that after spending a year studying sound synthesis,…

Digital Hoarding and The Electronic Music Producers
If you enjoy this blog because it doesn't have pop-ups or ads,…

Guide To Templates
Some links will provide a commission to maintain this blog free,…

Where Do I Go Next?
In case you missed it, I recently recorded a video announcing…

Electronic Music Is More Than Making Tracks
People have become increasingly interested in making electronic…

Self Promotion And The Music Business
There's something weird going on at the moment with the music…

Expressiveness Sound Design
One of my favourite topics is about one of the most helpful tools…

Learning, Growing, Pruning
Yes, I know, this blog has been silent for too long. I was half…

Mixing Issues And Solutions
As a mastering engineer, I'm exposed to dealing with mixes every…

Shortcuts And Speed Up Tricks
In case you missed it, I declared 2024 "my back-to-production…

Slice Everything
After a few years of pausing teaching 1-2-1 beginner's classes,…

Using Imperfection As a Leverage
The last few weeks have been quite exciting for me. This year…

Ableton MIDI Tools And Workflow Optimization
Whatever your level of mastery of Ableton Live is, you might…

Basquiat Work Ethics
Coming from a period when few people made electronic music before…

Quitting Streaming and Selling Directly
I'm not sure if you've been following trends lately, but there's…

The Anti-Loop Method vs The Writer’s Block
Maybe you came here with the idea that I'd be discussing techniques…

Music Curation And Tastes
I was working with a client, and after I went through the basics…

Music Discussion: Iridescent by Pugilist & Pod
This post marks the beginning of a new type of blog article.…

My Favorite Sampling Techniques
It's quite ironic that after spending a year studying sound synthesis,…

Digital Hoarding and The Electronic Music Producers
If you enjoy this blog because it doesn't have pop-ups or ads,…

Guide To Templates
Some links will provide a commission to maintain this blog free,…

Where Do I Go Next?
In case you missed it, I recently recorded a video announcing…

Electronic Music Is More Than Making Tracks
People have become increasingly interested in making electronic…

Self Promotion And The Music Business
There's something weird going on at the moment with the music…

Expressiveness Sound Design
One of my favourite topics is about one of the most helpful tools…

Learning, Growing, Pruning
Yes, I know, this blog has been silent for too long. I was half…

Mixing Issues And Solutions
As a mastering engineer, I'm exposed to dealing with mixes every…

Shortcuts And Speed Up Tricks
In case you missed it, I declared 2024 "my back-to-production…

Slice Everything
After a few years of pausing teaching 1-2-1 beginner's classes,…

Using Imperfection As a Leverage
The last few weeks have been quite exciting for me. This year…

Ableton MIDI Tools And Workflow Optimization
Whatever your level of mastery of Ableton Live is, you might…

Basquiat Work Ethics
Coming from a period when few people made electronic music before…

Quitting Streaming and Selling Directly
I'm not sure if you've been following trends lately, but there's…