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103 search results for: reference


References From Clients And Exercises

When it comes to making music or mixing, you sort of need to start somewhere and to get inspired by others if often a good way to get started. There’s a lot of misconception on how to use references. While I covered that in a past article, I thought I’d go deeper on the topic.  […]


Tools To Understand Your References

  We’ve all been there—struggling to compose that perfect melody or write those captivating lyrics, only to be hindered by the relentless pursuit of originality. But what if we told you there’s a way to break free from this creative conundrum and discover a whole new dimension of musical ideas?   No matter how many […]


Deconstructing A Reference Track

Note: This article is partly related to the Non-Linear Music Production technique explained in my previous post. It offers a complementary method for finding inspiration in your workflow. Now that you’ve been exposed to my non-linear approach to music production, you know that the early stages of production are focused on building ideas and content. Once that has been attacked, […]


Mixing Issues And Solutions

As a mastering engineer, I’m exposed to dealing with mixes every day, and as we know, quality masters are directly linked to the mixes’ strengths. When in the mastering stage, I’m dealing with a stereo file, which means I can make adjustments but also have limitations. If the mixed file has all its issues fixed, […]


Shortcuts And Speed Up Tricks

In case you missed it, I declared 2024  “my back-to-production year.” It started slowly because I had a lot on my plate, but as soon as it slowed down, I got into full force. Ironically, the last ten years of education I provided to students and people I mentored were based on my peak time […]


Using Imperfection As a Leverage

The last few weeks have been quite exciting for me. This year so far has brought me a lot of joy when it comes to music. After being at the service of my clients on a full-time schedule for the last nine years, I realized that bringing the spotlight on myself was essential for my […]


Basquiat Work Ethics

Coming from a period when few people made electronic music before its art was democratized, meeting people who were making music was difficult as not many people had the opportunity to produce it. You’d meet someone who would produce music, and it felt like you’d have a lot to talk about because they might have […]


The Road Map To Learn Music Production

One thing I noticed with people who want to learn how to make electronic music, is that they face a lack of information on where to start. I stumbled upon an interview with Mr.Beast recently where he was suggesting that if you want to learn about how to make viral videos, you need to start […]


Crafting Club-Ready Tracks

It’s no secret that I’m an engineer for mostly electronic musicians but whoever comes to me for mastering, one of my main task is to make sure their music sound solid in club/festival context. In the last years, it’s been impressive how bedroom producers, not just pros, will have their music played in a context […]


The Dysfunction of Email Promos in Music

In an age where technology has simplified communication, it’s ironic how it has also, sometimes, made things more complicated. Take music promotion for instance. A once curated art of handpicking who you shared your work with has been lost in the deluge of the digital age. And nowhere is this more evident than in the […]


Music Related Echo Chambers

In the intricate tapestry of music production, there’s an underlying thread that has been silently weaving its way through for years: the phenomenon of the echo chamber. Just as politics is sometimes ensnared in these chambers, the world of music production isn’t immune. While they might offer the comforting illusion of unity and harmony, these […]


Beginner’s Mind in Music Production

In the world of music production, the concept of “beginner’s luck” is something that many people aren’t familiar with. It’s not just about chance or serendipity; it’s about the uninhibited creativity that arises when a newcomer, unburdened by preconceived notions, fearlessly dives into the world of music creation. I’ve always seen it as a proof […]


The Power of Validation: How Early Influences Shape a Musician’s Career

  Validation plays a pivotal role in shaping an individual’s path, and for aspiring musicians, it can have a profound impact on their career trajectory. This article delves into the significance of validation, exploring how it can influence young musicians, propel their passion for music, and eventually transform it into a fulfilling profession.   In […]


Slowing Production to Better Learn

In recent years, mental health has become less of a taboo topic among musicians, and for good reason. The music industry, as well as streaming services, have put immense pressure on musicians to create music that may not be true to who they are, leading to destructive conditions that are negative for creativity. It’s sort […]


Generating Ideas and the Listener’s Attention Span

(photo credit Photo by Avi Richards on Unsplash) There’s this zone where, as an artist, you’ll sometimes land where things are a bit confusing. It is precisely when you lose your perspective as if you’re doing music for yourself or for someone listening to your song.    There are multiple perspectives in music – one […]