Advice Blog

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Are Music Schools Worth The Investment?

Whether or not music schools are worth the money might spur…

Building a great groove

Have you ever been on a dance-floor and heard a track that connects…

On Going DAWless

Dawlessness (a word I have just coined) seems to be something…

Taking breaks from music-making

It's strange how some topics seem to pop up in the music world…

Why should you make music?

Why make music? This simple question might seem like it…

“How do I get started with modular?”

Modular synths are fascinating, complex, and alluring machines,…

Honing your production skills before releasing music

For music producers, specifically those interested in releasing…

Using MIDI controllers in the studio

People often say that MIDI controllers are mostly for performing…

Creating a kick drum from scratch with an analog feel

There's no doubt that a kick is an important part of electronic…

Creating tension in music

Electronic music—oriented for dance-floors—mainly relies…

Experimentation in music: how far can you go?

If you're a regular read of this blog, you know that I encourage…

Workflow Suggestions for Music Collaborations

One of the most underestimated approaches to electronic music…

Using Quad Chaos

I'm proud to announce the release of our first patch - Quad…

Choosing a genre for your music

Every now and then I encounter people I work with who have trouble…
Pigments by Arturia

Synthesizer Basics

I've realized that using synths is a bit of an esoteric process…
mixing audio, fabfilter pro q3

Balancing a Mix

Balancing a mix is simple "mixing 101" theory; it's usually…

Social Media for Musicians

I'd like to reiterate what many have been saying lately: social…